I'm Ross, an Aberdeen boudoir photographer for everyday woman. I love meeting new people and helping them see their own beauty and how amazing they are. You want to trust me with this intimate and vulnerable occasion and make sure I'm the right choice for you so here's a few random facts about me.

  • Not so secretly, I love a trip to the toy shop and ahem testing my son's toy's, maybe even more than he does. I'm a big kid at heart.

  • Camping was a regular occurrence for my family when I was growing up, I'll take a night under canvas over a hotel any day. (I'll make an exception if the hotel is in somewhere like the Caribbean!)

  • My happy place is up on a mountain summit with my tent, just taking in the incredible views, enjoying the peace and quiet, I'll never tire of that feeling.

  • A takeaway pizza or curry, a good movie (can I just watch The Lord of the Rings one more time?) and lounging on the sofa is an ideal night in relaxing for me.

  • I can be extremely laid back and patient, it takes a lot to throw me off and stress me out. Folding a fitted sheet will do it though.

  • Animals have always been part of my life and I wanted to be Veterinarian when I was a kid. I studied animal care, got work experience at a reptile shop and a safari park, fostered cats, discovered mountain climbing and photography and ultimately ended up here photographing amazing women. What a journey it's been.

Why I Shoot Boudoir.

I shoot boudoir simply because I get to go beyond telling you that you are beautiful, but actually showing you through images that you are. It’s more than just some sexy photos in lingerie, it’s a journey, it’s learning that even though you may not always feel sexy and beautiful in everyday life, that you are amazing and perfect just as you are. It’s knowing you have flaws but realising that’s normal and that’s what makes you perfect.

Boudoir helps to empower you to see your own worth but also empowers me in the process. I get to be part of the journey of helping you fall in love with yourself and hopefully drop some jaws to the floor in the process.

Now it’s your turn!

Know that you have earned this experience and fully deserve it. You just like all of the woman I know in my life, from my partner, my mum, my sister and all my close female friends are all incredible. You all selflessly give and love so much and sometimes get so caught up in looking out for others, that you forget to take some time to truly appreciate yourself. Now it’s time to give yourself permission to do something for yourself. So take that leap of faith and say hello, I would love to hear from you today.

Are we right for each other?

We all want to work with like minded people and I’m not going to be the right photographer for everyone. So here’s a few things that will let you know if I am the right fit for you.

We’re a good fit if.

  • Your looking for a male’s opinion and perspective.

  • Your looking for a relaxed unhurried session.

  • You love a chat and laugh along the way.

  • Your love your images in printed form.

We’re not a good fit if.

  • Your looking for a female photographer. (Still pop me a message and I can recommend some fabulous local photographers for you.)

  • Your just looking for a fast and cheap session. I like to take my time on sessions, to make sure you enjoy yourself and we get the best possible results.